If Republicans don’t appoint a new justice, they’ll alienate their most loyal voters.
President Trump’s determination to fill the Supreme Court vacancy has enraged Democrats. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer ominously warns that if Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is replaced and Democrats gain a Senate majority, “nothing is off the table.†It’s not clear what was off the table before: Democrats had already threatened to end the filibuster, ignore pay-as-you-go rules, make the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico states and pack the court.
The media frantically replays 2016 clips of Republican senators like Lindsey Graham, now Judiciary Committee chairman, explaining their refusal to give Merrick Garland a hearing. They are less likely to mention the many Democrats who flip-flopped in the opposite direction. But Republicans note that their objection to election-year nominations applied when the president’s party was a Senate minority. They reason that voters gave them the majority in 2014 as a brake on President Obama’s ambitions…
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